
Cloud Connectors support secrets. Secrets are used to store sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, etc. The secrets can be referenced in the connector configuration file.

In order to use secrets, first, they need to be defined in the metadata section of the connector configuration file. The secrets are defined as a list of names. The names are used to reference the secret in the connector configuration file.

# http-source-connector-with-secrets.yml
apiVersion: 0.1.0
 version: 0.2.1
 name: my-http-source-connector
 type: http-source
 topic: my-topic
   - name: MY_TOKEN

 interval: 10s
   - "AUTHORIZATION: token ${{ secrets.MY_TOKEN }}"

In that config, it is defined a MY_TOKEN secret and it is used in the headers configuration of the http-source connector.

Secret names

For the sake of portability, secret names must consist solely of letters, digits, and the underscore ( _ ) and must not begin with a digit.

Set secret value

In order to use secrets, they have to be set. The way we set secrets depend on the platform used to run the connector.


Set secret values with CDK

If running connectors with CDK, you can use the --secrets flag to pass a file with the secrets definition. See the CDK documentation for more information.


Set secret values on Cloud

For cloud, we need to use fluvio cloud secret command. See the Cloud documentation for more information.